
Over 350 osttyper - Frisk fra kniven og vakuumpakket


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Appenzeller er en speciel ost, der udelukkende produceres i den nordøstlige del af Schweiz. Forarbejdningen af denne ost starter med køerne. Disse græsser hovedsageligt i området omkring Santïs-bjerget. Dette område er rigt på nærende græs, der er fyldt med urter. Fordi køerne spiser dette græs, har deres rå mælk en unik smag. Appenzeller osten er fremstillet med denne naturlige og velsmagende mælk.

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Appenzeller Silver - Classic
Appenzeller Mild er lagret i mindst 3 måneder under ideelle forhold... mere info
Så lav som 74,22 kr
Appenzeller Gold - Surchoix
Appenzeller Surchoix er en stærkt krydret ost. Takket være den hemm... mere info
Så lav som 76,46 kr
Appenzeller Black - Extra
Denne ost er en af ​​de mest kendte og krydrede oste i Schweiz. Det... mere info
Så lav som 77,95 kr
Appenzeller Lilla - Edel NEW
Oplev den unikke smagsoplevelse af Appenzeller Edel, en schweizisk ... mere info
Så lav som 70,49 kr

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The Appenzeller cheese is one of the oldest cheeses in Switzerland. The cheese was already produced in the Middle Ages, although the cheese was not given the name Appenzeller until much later. The production of Appenzeller cheese is very precise and is seen as a craft in Switzerland. Today, the cheese even holds a protected title. This means that Appenzeller cheese may only be produced in Switzerland. The ripening process of the cheese takes at least three months. During this process, the cheese is treated several times with the so-called Krautersülz. This is a special spice mixture that is mixed with the cheese. The recipe for this spice mixture is kept a secret by the cheesemakers.

The Appenzeller cheese is known for its distinct spicy taste. This taste is in large part due to the spice mixture that is added during the ripening process. Because of its unique taste Appenzeller cheese is very versatile. For example, the cheese tastes great in combination with sweeter flavors such as strawberry jam and Serrano ham. The cheese is therefore often used as a filling for sandwiches and wraps. Because the cheese melts well, it can also be used as a sandwich cheese or as a fondue. Are you going to make a delicious cheese board soon? Then the Appenzeller cheese should not be forgotten. A block of cheese with a spicy taste is a delicious opposite to all those creamy and soft cheeses.