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Skopefri ost | Blokost

Skopefri ost | Blokost

Den velkendte hollandske blokost, også kendt som den skorpefrie ost, er tilgængelig i vores butik som 48+ og 20+.

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Skorpefri Gouda Spidskommen Ost 40+ | Premium kvalitet
En smeltet skorpefri Gouda-spidskommen ost, også som spidskommen bl... mere info
Så lav som 43,94 kr
Skorpefri Gouda Spidskommen Ost 25+ | Premium kvalitet
En smeltet skorpefri Gouda-spidskommen ost, også som spidskommen bl... mere info
Så lav som 43,94 kr
Skorpefri spidskommenost 40+ | Blok ost | Yderligere kvalitet | Hel ost 2 Kilo
En smeltet skorpefri Gouda-spidskommen ost, også som spidskommen bl... mere info
Normal pris 283,64 kr Special Price 248,13 kr
Skorpefri spidskommen ost 25+ | Blok ost | Hel ost 2 kilo -18%
En smeltet skorpefri Gouda-spidskommen ost, også som spidskommen bl... mere info
Normal pris 283,64 kr Special Price 230,38 kr

4 varer

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Crustless Cumin Cheese 20+

The Crustless Cumin Cheese 20+, also known as Cumin Block cheese 20+, is a tasty low-fat variant of the 40+ block cheese. This cheese contains less fat and is therefore a great option for the conscious cheese lover. The Crustless Cumin Cheese 20+ is wonderfully soft and tasty. The cheese is made from pasteurized cow's milk. Rennet, starter and salt are added to this during the cooking process. Of course, cumin is also added to the cheese. In addition, the cheese contains many vitamins such as vitamins A, B and D

Crustless Cumin Cheese 40+

The Crustless Cumin Cheese 40+ is also known as Cumin Block Cheese 40+. This special cheese has a nice creamy taste and is packed with cumin. Like the 20+ variant, the cheese is made from pasteurized cow's milk, to which rennet, starter and salt are added during the preparation process. In addition, this cheese also contains vitamins A, B and D.