Pizza Raclette 6 - BLACK | Spring

The Pizza Raclette is for 6 persons. The high value grill plate is made of cast aluminium with non-stick coating, it´s removable. 
The Pizza tower has 3 high performance heating elements for efficient baking, raclette and barbecue fun. You can switch on or off the two lower heating elements or you can regulate the temperature. The body is made of cast aluminium, powder coated steel and available in the colours white, black and red. The set includes 6 dishes, 6 spatulas, 1 pastry cutter, 1 power cord 1,5 m and the instruction manual.

SKU Pizza Raclette 6 - BLACK | Spring
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Beskrivelse / Pizza Raclette 6 - BLACK | Spring

The Pizza Raclette is for 6 persons. The high value grill plate is made of cast aluminium with non-stick coating, it´s removable. 
The Pizza tower has 3 high performance heating elements for efficient baking, raclette and barbecue fun. You can switch on or off the two lower heating elements or you can regulate the temperature. The body is made of cast aluminium, powder coated steel and available in the colours white, black and red. The set includes 6 dishes, 6 spatulas, 1 pastry cutter, 1 power cord 1,5 m and the instruction manual.


  • 3 powerful heating elements for crispy pizza and perfect raclette on 2 levels
  • Griddle cast aluminum non-stick coating,
  • Infinitely variable temperature regulation
  • Housing made of cast aluminum, powder-coated,
  • Dimensions: 46 x 16 x 21.5 cm
  • Power: 1400 W -230 volt
  • Black
  • 6 pans, 6 scrapers, 1 pastry cutter, 1 power cable and instruction manual

Spring Manufacturer: 
The company was founded in 1946 by the Spring brothers, who were dedicated to uncompromising quality and innovation from the outset. Everything has always gedraaidt the people who actually use our equipment - gourmets and professional chefs dedicated to delicate, refined, excellent kitchen equipment. Over the years, Spring has launched several products with the absolute firsts in the history of cooking and eating.

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