Yellow Label - Baby Gouda 

Ihr eigenes Logo/Bild auf einem Käse
SKU 90444a
Al ost vakuumpakkes frisk, undtagen hele oste.
Rul ned for mere information om ingredienser og andre detaljer.

Over 350 osttyper - Frisk fra kniven og vakuumpakket


Minimum 7 ugers holdbarhed - ostepapir inkluderet gratis


Ostesælgere siden 1970 - Til individuelle og erhvervskunder


Køleforsendelse med leverings- og friskhedsgaranti


Gave? Du kan ændre leveringsadressen ved køb

Beskrivelse / Yellow Label - Baby Gouda 

We can place your own label on your Baby Gouda cheese.

The minimum order is 25 labels combined with the same quantity of Baby Gouda cheeses. We apply a fixed rate principle and it therefore makes no difference whether you order 25 or 250 labels. The price for the manufacture of the label remains the same.

It is also possible to send us your own label design.

Delivery time is approximately 2 weeks.

These are the stages:
1. Order the label
2. Order the quantity of Baby Gouda Cheeses
3. Finalise order.
4. Send us your logo / image with and/or text to [email protected]. We prefer image(s) in the highest possible resolution (.eps or .tiff file)
6. The designer now starts work on your design. You then receive a proof by email. As soon as you have approved the proof we will start production on the label.

Mere information

Land oprindelse Holland
Glutenfri No
Sukker fri No
Kan indeholde spor af nødder No
Spiselig skorpe No
Laktosefri No
Pasteuriseret Ja/Nej Upasteuriseret / rå mælk
Begrænset holdbarhed Ingen
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